Thursday, December 23, 2010


These glasses hang in her room. How cool is that? Dang this girl can rock some serious heels! I know I would break my ankle if I ever put those on. My ankles hurt just looking at them.

Averett Family

This family is the life of any party. It's pretty obvious in their pictures! Whenever we have family gatherings I look forward to being around all of these people! They are so fun to be around.


Keaton is the cutest little boy on the earth. Or am I a little bias because he is my only nephew? Well either way he is cute.

Jer Bear

I was driving one day and saw this bus with f.a.m.e. on the side of it. I instantly knew I had to get someone to pose in front of it. I think Jerika is thee perfect person for this! She looks like a legitimate movie star.


I wish I could look like her?

best girl!

Mattie has been my best friend since about eighth grade. She moved to Utah from California and now she is back in CA going to school at Cal Poly. She started hanging out with my friend Ashton Behunin and pretty much ever since I was around her in eighth grade we have been sister-like. I swear we share a brain...or brain waves? I don't know what you would call it, but we always seem to know what the other one is thinking. Words don't have to be spoken at all...I can have a conversation by just looking at her. Is that weird? Maybe haha but we were inseperable in high school and we visit eachother as often as we can. She comes for Lake Powell and I go for the beach! Great trade I would say. :)

The Prime Suspect

Jazzy is my prime suspect! I'm serious..she is the one that has gotten me started into photography. She has modeled for me so many times I couldn't even begin to count. She has been the best about always coming with me to help me out. I've known Jazzy since third grade when I lost her toy pony.. found it... and she still asked me to buy her a new replacement. Classy right? haha we have had so much fun at SUU together I can't even begin to explain. We have an odd sense of humor and no one else thinks its funny...but really people I swear its hilarious. I'm going to miss this girl so much when I transfer!